Zhan Zhang's Talk on: Slave purchase contracts in Tocharian, Khotanese and beyond

Despite its location in present-day Northwest China, the Tarim Basin was in the first millennium of the Common Era home to Indo-European languages: Tocharian, and the Iranian languages Khotanese and Tumšuqese. In the NWO funded project Tracking the Tocharians from Europe to China: a linguistic reconstruction, linguistic interaction between Tocharian and its Iranian neighbours has been studied in order to elucidate the prehistory of Tocharian. In this conference, which closes our research project, we unite scholars working on the philology and historical grammar of the languages of the Tarim Basin and beyond, with a special focus on language contact.


No registration is needed for in-person attendance. Those wishing to attend online are kindly requested to register by e-mail at f.dragoni@hum.leidenuniv.nl.


Thursday, 23-06-2022
Time Speaker Topic
09.00-09.45 Michaël Peyrot Tracking the Tocharians: results and outlook
09.45-10.30 Federico Dragoni New perspectives on language contact between Khotanese and Tocharian
10.30-11.00   Coffee
11.00-11.45 Ogihara Hirotoshi and Ching Chao-jung An attempt to elucidate Tumshuqese secular documents [online]
11.45-12.30 Dieter Maue Konow's sign no.3 [online]
12.30-14.00   Lunch
14.00-14.45 Nicholas Sims-Williams Metre and stress in Old Khotanese
14.45-15.30 Zhan Zhang Slave purchase contracts in Tocharian, Khotanese and beyond
15.30-16.00   Coffee
16.00-16.45 Georges-Jean Pinault

The Buddhist Iranian component in Tocharian [online]

16.45-17.30 Athanaric Huard New findings on the Tocharian body part lexicon

Friday, 24-06-2022

Time Speaker Topic
09.00-09.45 Niels Schoubben Niya Prakrit kilme(ci) '(belonging to the) household': a Bactrian alternative to Burrow's derivation from the so-called “Tocharian C”
09.45-10.30 Benedikt Peschl Devatā dvandvas in Middle Iranian onomastics and the Bactrian personal name Mihrāman
10.30-11.00   Coffee
11.00-11.45 Samira Müller Prying into Tocharian terminology from the Chinese perspective
11.45-12.30 Sasha Lubotsky Horse colors in Indo-Iranian and beyond
12.30-14.00   Lunch
14.00-14.45 Sampsa Holopainen Notes on Alanic and steppe Iranian loanwords in Hungarian, Ob-Ugric and Permic
14.45-15.30 Chams Bernard Features of Old Steppe Iranian