Inventory of Judeo-Persian manuscripts from Khotan
The following table gives an overview of the Judeo-Persian manuscripts from Afghanistan and Khotan, China. We have grouped the information according to the depository or library in which the manuscripts are currently located. The metadata is drawn from a bibliographic table that Ofir Haim developed for the National Library of Israel and the following article:
ZHANG Zhan and SHI Guang, 2009. “Yijian xinfaxian Youtaibosiyu xinzha de duandai yu shidu.” 一件新发现犹太波斯语信札的断代与释读 [Dating and interpretation of a newly-discovered Judeo-Persian letter] Dunhuang tulufan yanjiu 敦煌吐鲁番研究 11 (2008) [2009]: 77-99.