Judeo-Persian documents

Inventory of Judeo-Persian manuscripts from Khotan

The following table gives an overview of the Judeo-Persian manuscripts from Afghanistan and Khotan, China. We have grouped the information according to the depository or library in which the manuscripts are currently located. The metadata is drawn from a bibliographic table that Ofir Haim developed for the National Library of Israel and the following article:

ZHANG Zhan and SHI Guang, 2009. “Yijian xinfaxian Youtaibosiyu xinzha de duandai yu shidu.” 一件新发现犹太波斯语信札的断代与释读 [Dating and interpretation of a newly-discovered Judeo-Persian letter] Dunhuang tulufan yanjiu 敦煌吐鲁番研究 11 (2008) [2009]: 77-99.

Catalogue no. Content summary Origin Date: C.E. Writing surface
Or.8212/166 Private letter of Jewish merchants Dandan-Uiliq around 790 paper

Catalogue no. Content summary Origin Date: C.E. Writing surface
BH1-19 Private letter of Jewish merchants Dandan-Uiliq around 790 paper

Catalogue no. Content summary Origin Date: C.E. Writing surface
Ms. Heb. 8333.1=4 A few lines of a letter concerning commercial matters. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.2=4 A small fragment of a letter, probably sent to Yehuda ben Daniel or his son, Siman-Tov. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.3=4 The first few lines of a letter sent to Yehuda ben Daniel from Nāzuk bat Yosef. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.4=4 A fragment of a commecrcial letter sent to Yehuda (Aḥmad) ben Daniel from Mūsā b. Isḥāq the Jew. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.29=4 A personal letter sent to Siman-Tov ben Yehuda (Bāmiyān) by Yaʾir ben Ēmēd (Ghaznī). Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.34=4 Unknown exegetical text. Written on parchment. Afghanistan 10th-11th cents. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.35=4 A letter sent to Abū Sulaymān David ben Yosef from Yehuda ben Daniel. Possibly an autograph. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.195=4 A bifolio containing several short poems. Afghanistan 10th-11th cents. paper

Catalogue no. Content summary Origin Date: C.E. Writing surface
Ms. Heb. 8333.198=4 Several fragments of an unknown exegetical text. Afghanistan 10th-11th cents. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.201=4 Chronology from the time of the wandering in the desert up to Alexander. The time of composition: 1258 of the Seleucid Era (=946-7 CE). Afghanistan 10th-11th cents. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.203=4 The beginning of the ninth quire of an unknown exegetical text. Afghanistan 10th-11th cents. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.204=4 A folio of a medical text. Afghanistan 10th-11th cents. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.205=4 A folio containing commercial notes. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.206=4 Several folios from ledgers pertaining to the archive of Yehuda ben Daniel. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.207=4 A fragment of a letter sent to Siman-Tov ben Yehuda from [Sulaymān?] ben Jacob. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.208=4 A fragment of a letter sent to […] ben Abraham. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper
Ms. Heb. 8333.220=4 An incomplete ledger pertaining to the archive of Yehuda ben Daniel. Afghanistan 11th cent. paper