Nabi Saqee

nabi saqee

Nabi Saqee

Bodleian Libraries Afghan Visiting Fellow

Nabi Saqee completed his BA in Persian Language and Literature from Kabul University, and his MA in Social Science from the American University of Afghanistan.

He taught Persian language and literature, teaching methods and history of Afghanistan after Islam in Afghanistan for 12 years. In addition to this, Saqee worked as a human rights activist and civil society activist in the Ghor province and worked as a researcher in the central office of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.

Saqee also published several articles in Afghan local and national newspapers and magazines in the fields of history, politics, Islamic studies, literature, human rights, and ethnicities of Afghanistan.

Saqee's academic publications include several papers on the history of post-Islamic Ghor, Persian manuscripts, literature and folklore. He authored The Story of Firouzkoh City, Barghaayi az Yak Fasl, Ghor and Ghorjestan and two books of poetry Lost Love and 90 Minutes.

His research interests include ancient history, Persian manuscripts, and folklore and anthropology of old Khorasan. 

Nabi Saqee joined the Invisible East research project as Bodleian Libraries Afghan Fellow to work on pre-Mongol written documents and their socio-cultural context.